Quality Statement

Quality Chaser Company has a proud history of manufacturing and marketing
performance engineered threading tools. To ensure that we maintain the highest
standards of excellence, we have set the following objectives:

1px (1K) 100% On-Time Delivery

Zero Defects

100% Customer Satisfaction

We aspire to these goals through pride in our work, teamwork with others, and
a commitment to compliance with our ISO-9001 Quality System.

Firth Brown Solid Taps
Quality Chaser Company is pleased to announce an agreement to represent Firth Brown Tools.

Firth Brown has been manufacturing exceptional tooling in Cambridge, Ontario since 1921. Their tools are designed and engineered on-site under ISO 9001 quality certification guidelines.

Primary products of the Firth Brown Company are solid high-speed steel pipe taps, nib taps, bent shank and spiral point taps. A variety of premium material options and surface treatments are also available. These special taps are used in applications such as automotive, lead-free brass valves and fittings, pipe and fastener couplings, construction grade nuts and other demanding applications where high production and superior performance are required.

You can submit a Request for Quote on the E-Mail page, or...

Contact our Customer Service for quoting requirements and details.

Version 1.4 of Quality Chaser's colorful Product Guide on CD-ROM includes the most up-to-date information available, plus:

  • More products
  • More helpful information
  • More convenience

Visit the E-Mail page and request your free copy today.

You can also download a copy right now from the Download page.

Quality Chaser offers Oster style dies in a broad range of symbols and sizes.

Further information can be found on the Oster page, or get a copy of our Oster Product Guide in .pdf format from the Download page.

... or just give us a call.

Tip of the Month
Regardless of the style chasers you use for your threading operation, proper resharpening techniques will ensure that you get the optimum value for your perishable tool dollars. We are often told that chasers used with the factory grind perform better than they do after they are resharpened.

When chasers perform better using the factory grind, it does not indicate that we have superior grinding equipment or grinding techniques. It usually means that the user is not following proper grinding procedures.

The following suggestions may help you realize additional tool life:

  • Never water quench to cool. The rapid reduction in temperature quickly contracts the steel causing stress fractures. Air-cooling is suggested.
  • Take care not to remove excessive material in one pass. The metal removal rate will vary with the type of grinding wheel, operator, and chaser.
  • Be aware of chaser discoloration which indicates overheating or burning. The first signs of overheating or burning will be seen at the crest of the thread. If this is evident, reduce your grinding depth immediately.
  • Dress your grinding wheel often to prevent load-up and to maintain a clean, abrasive cutting action.
  • Procure the proper grinding wheel for the application. Often a soft wheel will provide better results with less chaser damage. Even though the soft wheel will deteriorate faster, there will be less chance for tool damage, and therefore the overall grinding expense will be reduced.
  • Be aware of the material you are grinding. Special grades of high-speed steel (i.e. M-2, M-3, M-42, etc.) will all grind differently due to their molecular structure and hardness. Look for rapid discoloration or burning, and reduce your feed rate.

Call for information.

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